Kamis, 26 Maret 2009


How to make Yellow Rice.

Things You’ll Need:
• 2 1/2 Cups of Rice
• 1 pqt Sazon or Safron
• 1/3 Cup of cooking oil
• 2 Teaspoons of salt
• 2 and 1/2 Cups of water
• Medium size cast iron cooking pot

1. Put the Cast iron pot on the stove and put flame or heat to medium. Put the 1/3 cup of oil to heat.
2. Next put the 2 and a 1/2 cups of rice in the pot and start stirring with a spoon. Around a minute to coat the rice. add the two teaspoons of salt and stir.
3. Now take a paquet of Sazon open it and pour the contents onto the rice keep stirring for 5 minutes making sure the rice is getting well coated.
4. Next take the 2 cups and 1/2 and slowly pour it in. this is the moment were you should see a deeper color emerge it will look orange. Stir again one more time and then leave alone for about 5 to 10 minutes or until water starts to disappear. we want the water to dry up but not to dry so keep a eye on it.
5. You want to see the water bubbling just underneath the rice. At that moment is when you want to lower the heat to low and stir it bringing in the sides toward the middle like a small mountain. then place lid and relax for about 30 minutes important during these 30 minutes do not disturb the rice or take off lid.
6. After 30 minutes have passed take off lid with caution remember the steam and heat is what cooks the rice. Stir with spoon and put a small sample on another spoon to try it and make sure its not raw if cooked just right enjoy!! turn off heat and serve


Cirebon, 27 Desember 2008

Dear Szy,

I know a placefor shopping, its near my course. I heard, there is big sale. I know you will agree, because you like shopping very much. I'm going to will for you in Gramedia book store at 01pm. And I will buy a book there. After that we can have lunch in a cafe.
Don't forget to bring much money to spend there.
Please contact me if you agree.
If yes, don't be late. i'll be waiting for you.

Your Best Friend

My Chan




Harry Potter was an orphan.He was small,thin,and with glasses.He lived with his uncle,aunt and a causin,named Dudley.

Harry had a scar on his forehead,it looked like a lightning bolt.

Harry Potter was actually a wizard,but he didn’t know that.He knew about it on 11th birthday.He Received letters from Hogwarts School of Witchcraff and Wizardy.

Harry learnt that his parent didn’t die in a car accident.They died because Voldemort the lord of darkness killed them.

Harry left his uncle’s house and started a new live in Hogwarts he spent year after studying in Hogwarts,living in Hogwarts chanced harry because he learnt manything there.He learnt about being a wizard,frenship,loyallity,fear and courage.Most of all learnt about his past and future,his family and his destiny.


  1. such as whether harry?
  2. who live with harry?
  3. what is harry’s causin name?
  4. where is harry has on his forehead?
  5. what the scar look like?
  6. when Harry know that he is a wizard?
  7. who is send letter to harry on his 11th birthday?
  8. whether harry's parrent because of car accident?
  9. who is kill harry's parrent?
  10. what he learned in Hogwarts?